Northland Power ~ Drones for Solar Inspection

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AlteX provided complete drone training to Northland team, including an intensive Drone Ground School Online and Customized Flight Training and Equipment Setup on Northland Power’s solar site. The company wanted to learn how to safely and efficiently use DRONE to inspect hundreds of thousands of solar panels - a task that has, until now, involved a staggering amount of manual labor.

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Behind AlteX ~ Start of Our Drone Journey

9 years ago, I climbed a rocky cliff in northern Killarney with Alex to capture nature photography. When I stood there admiring the breathtaking view, I was very much out of breath from the 2-hour hike with over 20kg of filming gear on our backs. That was our 7th nature filming expedition that year. Exhausted, I found myself wishing for a flying camera to take away the crane, slider, tripod... and instead giving us the unlimited angel, range and possibilities of filming.

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